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Cassidy Arch Trail

Cassidy Arch Trail

Posted in: Nature, Outdoor adventures on July 27, 2021.

It’s Trail Time!

It’s monsoon season in Capitol Reef and Southern Utah. Which means we’re gonna be getting rain most afternoons, which do occasionally cause flash floods. So it’s best to go on trails that are somewhat elevated, and don’t have too many canyons or ravines. Luckily, our favorite hike in Capitol Reef – Cassidy Arch – is an elevated trail so it’s perfect for this time of year. Let’s talk about it!

Cassidy Arch in the distance

Photo by Katie Robison.

Find the Trailhead

The trailhead for Cassidy Arch is located in the Grand Wash – part of the Capitol Reef Scenic Drive. Just continue driving past the visitor’s center and the campgrounds until you arrive at the scenic road. There is a toll to enter, which at the time of writing is $20. Drive for an additional four miles until you see the sign and the turn off for Grand Wash. Can’t miss it. Turn there, drive the dirt road and park at the trailhead. Here’s a link to Google Maps marking the trailhead.

What to Expect

The hike begins in the Grand Wash. After a short distance the trail starts to climb the up the face of the sandstone cliffs. The switchbacks are steep, and the ascent is pretty strenuous. So this probably isn’t the right hike if you have kids in tow. Eventually the trail levels out to a gentle incline. At the end of the hike, you will reach Cassidy Arch. You can see it coming from a long way off. Once you’re there, you can (carefully) walk across it and admire those breathtaking views.

Cassidy Arch up close

Photo by Katie Robison.

Tips and Advice

Make sure you go early in the morning. That way you can beat the heat, and also avoid any afternoon showers. Which is the whole point. And while you don’t want to be caught out in a thunderstorm, you will need to bring plenty of water with you. According to the national park, you should carry 48 to 64 ounces per person for this hike. Also, the path can sometimes be a little hard to follow. Watch for the Cairns (those little stacks of rock) to mark the trail.

We at the Lodge at Red River Ranch love Cassidy Arch. The view from the top is incredible and the arch is well worth the trip. Just make sure you go at the right time of day, and you’ll enjoy it too!

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