Watch out for Summer Heat
Posted in: Education, Outdoor adventures on July 30, 2024.
Ready for The Sun!
You’re ready to get outside. Like, really ready. Ready to hike and play in sunny Southern Utah! With Memorial Day Weekend only a few days away, it’s basically summer here in Southern Utah. And, as you no doubt know, summer here in the desert can be hot. Really hot. So it’s important to be safe when playing outdoors, and it’s important to learn how to spot some of the most common heat related problems – namely heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Of the two, heat stroke is by far the more dangerous, requiring immediate medical attention. Here’s how to tell heat exhaustion and heat stroke apart – and what to do next. Let’s talk about them and what you can do to be prepared.
Photo by MK via
Heat Exhaustion
Faint and/or dizzy
Excessive sweating
Cool or clammy skin
Nausea or vomiting
Rapid, fluttery, and weak pulse
Muscle cramps
What to do?
If you, or someone in your party, is displaying signs of heat exhaustion, take action to cool down. If possible, get to an air-conditioned place. If that’s not possible, find shade on the trail. Drink plenty of water and take a long break. And be ready to turn back. It’s not worth trying to “finish” the hike if someone isn’t feeling well.
Of course, the best cure is prevention. Don’t hike when the sun is strong, but instead plan your adventures for the mornings and evenings.
Heat Stroke
Strong, persistent headache
Not sweating
Hot skin, usually dry
Nausea or vomiting
Rapid, over-strong pulse
May lose consciousness
What to do?
Call 911. Then take immediate action to bring the body’s temperature down. If you have access to ice, make an ice bath, or place ice compresses under the armpits and between the thighs. If you’re on the trail, move into deep shade and use wet-cloth compresses in those same spots. Do everything you can to cool the person down, and wait for emergency services to arrive.
Heat stroke is serious. But there are plenty of observable warning signs before a person develops heat stroke. Be smart when hiking in the summer months. Don’t attempt activities beyond your abilities. And always, always carry plenty of water. Plan ahead and you’ll be perfectly fine playing outside this summer.