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Red River Ranch

Our Blog

Our Blog.
Insider Information.

We love Southern Utah. And we love writing about all the adventures we have. So we combined our two passions, and created this – the Blog at Red River Ranch.

Our blog has hundreds of articles, detailing the exciting things you can do in Southern Utah. Think of it like a casual, travel-advice column written by those with insider information. We hope you find it helpful.

The Mighty 5 for Memorial Day!

The five national parks of Southern Utah – Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion – are collectively known as “The Mighty 5.” Together, they preserve the best parts of our amazing desert scenery. But the real question is […]

Capitol Reef Scenic Drive Closure

Capitol Reef National Park has been growing in popularity for years now. In fact, we get about 1.2 million visitors every year! So, as you can imagine, some of the infrastructure that was created decades ago to service the park isn’t quite up to the job […]

April, 2024
Outdoor adventures

Surprise! Canyon

Hey guess what? Spring is here! And that means it’s time to start getting serious about trail hiking again. And we at the Lodge have a new one for you to try in Capitol Reef. It’s fun, easy, and just perfect to start off the hiking season […]

Book Southern Utah Early!

Southern Utah has become a pretty popular place. Over the last four decades, we at the Lodge at Red River Ranch have seen this part of the world go from relatively unknown to a world-famous travel destination […]

March, 2024
Outdoor adventures, Travel

Southern Utah Spring Break: 2024

It’s March again! And you know what that means? It’s Spring Break, baby! In a couple of weeks, kids from every grade level from elementary school to college will have a week off […]

February, 2024
Outdoor adventures, Travel

Zion vs. Capitol Reef: Pros and Cons of Each Park

Many of the travelers who come to Southern Utah can only visit one national park. And that can make it tough, since it’s hard to choose between all five of the major parks. We at the Lodge […]

February, 2024
Nature, Special Places

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day today! So we thought we’d take a moment to talk about how much we love our home – Southern Utah. It is, in our opinion, the best place on earth, full of remarkable beauty and endless adventures. And love that we get to share it all with you […]

January, 2024
Education, Nature

Biological Soil Crusts and You!

If you’ve ever been hiking in the deserts of Southern Utah, then you’ve probably come across strange, blackish bumps in the sand, about an inch or two tall. And you may have wondered to yourself, “What the heck are these […]

January, 2024
Outdoor adventures, Travel

Capitol Reef in Winter

It’s January! And as we’ve mentioned before, Southern Utah, despite being a desert does have a winter season. Complete with occasional snow and ice. But it also has more sunny days than most parts of the United States during this season which means it’s a pretty great […]

Free Park Days in 2024!

You know what’s better than visiting the national parks? Visiting the national parks and getting in for free! And every year the National Park Service designates a few days during the coming year when the entrance fee is waived. And […]